Luciana Musante

Luciana Musante


Facilitator & Coach

With more than 15 years of experience in human resources, I have forged a solid career as a certified coach, trainer, and expert in leadership and team management. Throughout my career, I have had the valuable opportunity to work in various cities around the world, in both national and international companies.  

This exposure to different work environments has enriched my perspective and ability to effectively address leadership and communication challenges. My focus is on promoting effective communication and developing leadership skills, contributing to the growth and success of both individuals and organizations. I have had the honor of guiding professionals from diverse backgrounds to success in their careers through personalized coaching and training programs. 

Rod Brown​

Rod Brown​


Senior Strategy Consultant​

Rod Brown MA MBA DipM​

Expert in Strategy Dynamics & Digital Twins, founder and CEO of several companies​

  • System Dynamicist, formerly lecturing on the adjunct faculty at London Business School and Cambridge University.​
  • Former Services Director at Tesco, the $100bn revenue global retailer, and member of the Senior Leadership Team at John Lewis Partnership (similar in scale to Corte Inglés).​
  • Corporate intrapreneur, creating multiple large scale business opportunities at Tesco and JLP.​
  • Serial entrepreneur founder with two successful trade exits post Series A.​
  • For 10 years, an associate consultant in the business dynamics practice of McKinsey & co. and Vanguard Brand Management.​
  • Author of several microworld simulation games played by ‘000s of students and managers.  ​
  • Co-founder of the UK System Dynamics Society.​
  • Ex Royal Navy officer, yachtsman and black belt Karate-Ka.​
  • Hails from Scotland, and lives in Cornwall.​
María González Romero

María González Romero


Senior Consultant, Facilitator & Coach

Throughout my life I have done and been many different things. 

Intellectual property lawyer, head of an office, administrator of an SL, promoter of a foundation, curious student, coach, conflict mediator, trainer. Believer in non-violent communication. Shy, outgoing, fearful, daring, childlike, adult, restless, calm.  

At 40 I am beginning to understand what I am here for. I am interested and inspired to connect with another human being. Listening, observing, expressing myself. To weave networks of trust and authenticity. Learning from conflict, seeing beyond the problem. 

I am the author of a Non-Violence Communication book called “Detrás de las palabras”. 

I am married and have two daughters and a son. I love reading, walking, music and breakfast. And the smell of rain. 

Catalina Echeverry Atehortúa

Catalina Echeverry Atehortúa


Senior Consultant, Facilitator, Coach

You can tell from my accent that I’m neither from here nor there! Colombian by birth, I studied in the United States, became a mother in Italy and adopted the dual nationality here in Spain. I am a globetrotter more than by vocation; I’ve lived in seven different 

I have lived in seven different countries, which has given me not only an accent that is difficult to define, but also a wide to define, but a broad vision of different cultural and social realities and beliefs. 

I have a degree in Marketing and Advertising, with a Masters in Strategic Marketing. Specialised in Community Management and Digital Marketing, as well as being an ACTP Coach. With more than 15 years of experience in multinationals such as Leo Burnett, Euro RSG, BP. 

Mother of two boys. During an important period of my life I decided to make my motherhood a profession, creating the blog and the community of Crianza en la Era Digital Mamá También Sabe. Focused on positive parenting, I became certified as a Positive Discipline Trainer by the Positive Discipline Association, and became a Cybercooperator for INCIBE (Spanish National Institute of Cybersecurity). 

I follow the maxim that there are no failures, only experiences, so I embarked on three occasions as an entrepreneur, two at the head of communication agencies and one before a social enterprise. 

Four years ago life gave me a second chance, so I don’t intend to waste it. I am serious, loyal, demanding of myself, enthusiastic and committed. My biggest challenge in life is to do everything in my power, and more, to live in coherence. My greatest passion, after parenting, is kayaking. 

Josselin Butté​

Josselin Butté​



Read more: Josselin Butté​

Expert in Resilience, Sustainability and Regeneration.​

Permaculture practitioner and teacher based in the Pyrenees and embodies a systemic approach to development.​

  • MBA, BSc, PCC​.
  • 15+ years experience as a Coach, Facilitator, Trainer and Regenerative Business Consultant. ​
  • Helps teams and organizations prevent and recover from burn-out through the development of resilience.​
  • Qualified Sound Engineer and uses music to open client’s senses.​
  • Certified Team Dynamics Facilitator for Airbus Leadership University​.
  • Hails from France and lives in the French Pyrenees.​
Irene Gómez González

Irene Gómez González


Founder, CHRO, Senior Consultant & Coach

I’m Irene Gómez. 20 years ago, Gonzalo, my husband, asked me to leave our jobs and set up a business together. 

jobs and set up a business together. Ignoring the advice of our elders, we set up INFOVA in the guest room at home, and now here we are. 

I had studied law because my father was very keen on it and I was always the typical poor litigation lawyer, although I was horrified by the career from the first to the fifth year. 

I always had an entrepreneurial spirit and since I was young, I taught English to children, I set up a children’s party entertainment company by hiring my schoolmates, I worked as a tour guide in England and Scotland, and when I finished my degree, I did a master’s degree at the EOT in Quality in tourist service. 

I worked setting up the customer service department of Grupo Vips, a job I left when the first of our 4 children was born. We created INFOVA in the belief that another kind of company was possible, where people could grow personally and professionally and contribute to making a more dignified world. 

I am a master in transpersonal psychology and a certified coach by the European School of Coaching. I love my work, I am enthusiastic, passionate, committed and have a clear vocation of service. 

I love educational issues and I am an international dog show judge.