Leadership Courses adapted to your needs and culture

Leadership is essentially about leading change, individually and organizationally.

Leadership courses tend to focus on the type of Leadership styles required to lead and manage organisations in the current context:

• High levels of Volatility-Uncertainty-Complexity-Ambiguity (VUCA)

• Increasingly diverse (intercultural / intergenerational) and virtual

• Increasingly empowered, with new ways of working (AGILE, LEAN, OKR, PDR etc)


Key topics explored

Introduction to some key concepts and models:

• Basic human behavioural psychology

• Self-awareness

• The power of beliefs

• How we learn (conscious-competence model) 

• Circles of influence & pre-occupation

• High performance principles (e.g. Choice, Responsibility, Respect, Integrity, Excellence, Service, etc.)

• Team Dynamics tends to be an integral part of Leadership courses

• Optimising Collective Intelligence & Energy: practice use of design-thinking and visual mapping tools

• Communication & Influence, including managing conflict, difficult conversations and feedback.



• Highly interactive – learn by doing: use of experiential games and exercises

• Work in groups and pairs.

• Use of design-thinking and visual mapping tools

• Various self-assessments or questionnaires on individual levels of self-awareness, and on their own communication, conflict and leadership styles.


For an example of a 3-day Leadership course focused on leading change, please click here:



0044 784 241 8475

Newcastle, UK

St Lawrence Road