Irene Gómez González


Founder, CHRO, Senior Consultant & Coach

I’m Irene Gómez. 20 years ago, Gonzalo, my husband, asked me to leave our jobs and set up a business together. 

jobs and set up a business together. Ignoring the advice of our elders, we set up INFOVA in the guest room at home, and now here we are. 

I had studied law because my father was very keen on it and I was always the typical poor litigation lawyer, although I was horrified by the career from the first to the fifth year. 

I always had an entrepreneurial spirit and since I was young, I taught English to children, I set up a children’s party entertainment company by hiring my schoolmates, I worked as a tour guide in England and Scotland, and when I finished my degree, I did a master’s degree at the EOT in Quality in tourist service. 

I worked setting up the customer service department of Grupo Vips, a job I left when the first of our 4 children was born. We created INFOVA in the belief that another kind of company was possible, where people could grow personally and professionally and contribute to making a more dignified world. 

I am a master in transpersonal psychology and a certified coach by the European School of Coaching. I love my work, I am enthusiastic, passionate, committed and have a clear vocation of service. 

I love educational issues and I am an international dog show judge. 
